Please see our letter presented to the Monterey County Supervisors on 3/27/24.
Carmel Pine Cone article on proposed moratorium. March 29th 2024
Read below for Keep Big Sur Wild’s comment letter regarding the proposed expansion of commercial areas in Big Sur and increased development potential in Big Sur
April 2024
Monterey County is having an important community meeting to discuss the Coastal Zone Rural Community Center District proposed changes to the Land Use Plan on June 18th 2024 at the Big Sur Lodge. Keep Big Sur Wild is asking residents to come prepared with an understanding of what this could mean for future development in these areas. There are many parcels that could change from being in the residential sector to being commercial. The intent we are told is to be able to expand opportunities for affordable and employee housing, but this change could open up a door for more than just employee housing on parcels that have had no history ever being commercial properties. Keep Big Sur Wild is asking the county to provide more detailed maps than the ones they have printed to the public. Please read section 5,3,2 of the LUP where it states “In general any use allowed in any zone is appropriate for Rural Community Centers” We look forward to see you all there and hearing your comments.
February 2024
Land Use Plan Workshop Details
The continued workshop on February 14, 2024 will again be time-limited to around two hours, with the intent that staff will be able to receive comments on all outstanding topic areas, which include wildfire, employee housing, visitor serving and commercial uses, special events, and aircraft.
Here are three ways to participate:
Attend the Planning Commission Workshop on February 14th at 1:00PM in person at 168 W. Alisal Street Salinas, CA 93901
Attend the Planning Commission Workshop on February 14th at 1:00PM via Zoom using the following link:
Or Telephone: +1 669 219 2599 US, +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
Webinar ID: 989 2782 2741
Provide your input via email to (Note in the Subject Line of your email that you are providing comments on "REF210024 - Big Sur Land Use Plan Update")
Agenda Packet for the meeting
November 28th 2023
After an additional two years of closed door reviews Monterey County has released the draft update of the Big Sur Land Use Plan. Here is a copy for your review below.
Keep Big Sur Wild will be reviewing the changes to provide public comment on the scheduled December 13th workshop, and recommends everyone else do the same. There is a letter provided from the Monterey County Commission Ad Hoc Committee regarding the update as well. Once the public workshop agenda is posted we will let everyone know so they can be involved. We look forward to working with the county on these proposed updates.